Multicultural Coexistence Support Center

In recent years, the economic environment has deteriorated rapidly, and dismissal of non-regular workers has become a serious problem.
In Shiga Prefecture in particular, foreign workers employed at establishments engaged in "labor dispatch and contracting businesses" account for 60% of the total, and the impact on the lives of foreign nationals living in the prefecture is enormous.
In addition, the Shiga International Association's "Survey Results on the Employment and Living Conditions of Foreign Residents in the aftermath of the Economic Crisis" also reported that approximately 40% of foreign residents are unemployed.
However, because of the requirement for a high level of Japanese language ability and social prejudice, it is difficult for them to find new employment, and they also face difficulties in renting private housing because they are "foreigners."
Furthermore, because education is not compulsory for children of foreign nationality, the number of children who do not attend school for economic reasons is on the rise.
In order to build a "spiritually rich society," it is essential that local residents foster a spirit of mutual help while respecting the human rights of each individual. By expanding our network of private organizations within the prefecture, we will gather various information and opinions, and work with related organizations to provide daily life support to foreign residents.